Chapter One :Chapter 1


Hello my beloved readers l would like to warn you before reading this story.. This story contains hot mature contents , 18+ should read it but if you are not interested in such stuff please don't read the following chapter..

Thank you ........


'' Let's finally welcome Ms Ethel Roberta '', With the crowd full of people the MC a blonde haired chap announced loudly ... '' Yes sssssssssssss'' , The crowd of people cheered up at that ...


Ethel Roberta was a well known musician and after a few minutes silence filled up the whole place as they all turned their attention to the beautiful musician and there she was dressed up in a short shining off shoulder black dress matched up with black high heels.. She was a really a beautiful goddess that just as she walked sluggishly her long waist length black hair kept up being swept up ...


'' Hello guys ...'', As soon as she picked up the microphone from the MC she greeted the crowd of people which all replied to her happily ... '' Am not going to sing tonight but ............ '', She countered but before she could add on the crowd began groaning in disapproval...'' But am going to dance , so DJ Ronny just play me one hot hip hop song '', Ethel continued and with that the crowd clapped their hands ...


'' I need someone who is confident to come over and challenge her '', The MC rejoined in the conversation ...'' Getting what in return ?'', The crowd of people shouted loudly ..'' Me '', Ethel's reply rechoed in the building and of course as she said that she had a feeling that she would win ...


''Am ready to challenge you '', Just as Ethel held up her head high she soon enough turned only to see a sepia headed chap heading towards the floor...'' Oh ! My goodness am not going to challenge him '', Ethel wasn't that a fear ful woman but just the glimpse of the man made her stomach clench , honestly she was kidding about the challenge and with the sight just proved that he was going to win and then she would end up being his wife just as she had promised..


'' Are you ready Ms Ethel '', The MC asked after noticing the Challenger's presence ... '' Am rea.............'', Before she could finish up the sentence she heard her phone vibrating in her pocket ... '' Excuse me '', After looking at the caller ID Ethel's smile i'mmediately faded away in a thin air ... '' The MC noticed her face expression and of course with the expression he just guessed that things weren't that probably good on her side ...


'' There you are Shan and I guess you have been in the club '', The person speaking in a ladies' voice said on the other side..

'' Yes boss , so what do you want me to do?'', Currently called Shan she asked while sweeping her fingers through her hair decisively.. '' You don't need to panic but just know the prosperous Henry Norton's l told you about ......", Shan's boss said on the other side before pausing.. '' Am hearing boss '', Shan answered and for a pretty good time her boss was explaining everything to her ...


'' No body knows what he transports in those trucks but what it is , it is illegal and once you get to know it just send me the information '', Her boss explained more ..

'' You need to be systematic because Henry Norton's has a lot of trained security guards '', Her boss continued not allowing Shan to say anything...


'' It's time to go '', With the information needed given to her, Shan hung up the phone and still dressed up as was before in the club she walked Swaying her hips however surprisingly in with a few minutes with her plan she was in the nearby club but not the one she was in before ...


'' I need a glass of wine '', After reaching in the club she walked to the bartender ...'' Here it is madam '', The bartender answered sending the glass of wine to her .. '' Thanks '', Shan responded and with her answer in a blink of an eye the glass was empty ...'' l don't another one, don't mind '', She half smiled at the bartender before turning on her heels to leave ...


However as she continued to walk around the dancing crowd probably trying to make it to the door , she was suddenly stopped in mid motion by someone's grip on her hand .. '' Who the hell is he now ?'', Fuming she turned to face the person who had held up her hand ..'' Am Reece , do you mind having a dance with me '', The stranger instantly introduced himself and with his deep husky voice and beauty Shan sensed it that she was already in trouble..


'' sorry but that wasn't in my plan '', It was her response before she quickly removed his grip from her hand and then when she was successful she hurriedly got out of the club .. Her response was so hurting but she had to do it , Meeting a person like him was the last thing she expected to happen.

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